Our Services

Everything you need to keep your parking area in top shape

Striping, Signs, Numbers & Images

Maximize parking, provide clear directions and increase safety in your parking lot with quality striping and images. Give your business or residential complex parkers convenient, hassle-free parking with clear crosswalks, numbered/lettered parking spots, striping, signs and specialty parking images.

Sweeping & Cleaning

Parking facilities are often the first impression a customer has of your business and property. Parking garage and lot sweeping is vital to help you maintain the safety, condition and image of your property. We work with your schedule to provide cost-effective sweeping, cleaning and power washing at a time that won’t inconvenience you or your customers.

Repairs & Maintenance

Do you have cracking, potholes, pooling water, buckling, or rough, uneven surfaces in your parking area? With high traffic, age and the ever-changing weather in the Red River Valley, all parking lots will need some TLC from time to time. Services include pothole repair, surface patching, asphalt sealcoating, crack filling, resurfacing and preventative maintenance.

Commercial Snow Removal

Take the worry out of winter! We offer commercial parking lot and sidewalk snow removal to your keep sidewalks safe and parking lots clear all winter long . Services include plowing, sanding, ice melt, snow removal & hauling.

Parking Lot Maintenance Planning

Cracks, potholes, dirt & debris, fading lines and uneven surfaces in your parking area can seem like small issues. But when they are left unaddressed, serious (and often expensive!) repairs may be needed. We understand parking lots and will help you get ahead of these problems. We’ll work with you to develop a proactive repair & maintenance plan that keeps your lot safe, clean and on budget.